Email Scam: Your mailbox is full From: Shaghayegh Abbasi

 Email Scam: Your mailbox is full From: Shaghayegh Abbasi

 From: Shaghayegh Abbasi
To: Shaghayegh Abbasi
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 7:20 AM
Subject: Your mailbox is full.
Your mailbox is full.
Current size
Maximum size
Your mailbox can no longer send or receive messages. Please reduce
your mailbox size. By Automatically clicking on Mailbox Quota
CLICKHERE <http: //> and fill out
the necessary mailbox requirement to increase your mailbox Quota
Copyright (c) 2014 Staff and Faculty Mailbox Portal.
How you know this is a Phishing Scam:

You can know this is a fraudulent scam because the link has no association with the University of Chicago. You can also know it is a scam because there is no signatory with a name and contact information at the University that you can use to confirm legitimacy.

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