Need an authority for insurance fraud

The current situation of the insurance world deserves careful thought about the organization that the government should give the industry, inspiring function, on the one hand of the free market as the only means to ensure effective competition and, therefore, free from tariffs associative and on the other a general reduction in those costs for companies accidents on their operations, and then on fees, related to insurance fraud.

In Italy the problem, widely underestimated for years, has exploded powerfully only when the vicious circle (fraud - increasing costs - increase in tariffs) has not reached such magnitude as to make, in some Italian regions, virtually impossible to ensure a citizen ' especially if the new car and entrusted to a newly patented for very high rates required by the Companies that, in some cases, equal to the cost of the car itself.

Even more so the companies have felt powerfully put on trial when the previous Government has implemented the block tariffs, the Authority for the competition has provided a big fine, and some publications of great publishing success have exposed the many weaknesses in the sector and the inability on the part of companies to combat the problem.

Notwithstanding that, it is not considered valid the notion that there is an automatic link between fraud suffered by the Companies and tariff increases (there is evidence that fraud accounts for less than 3% on the total amount of compensation paid by insurance companies) must, however, also address this problem in an analytical way and determined.

To date, the companies have acted in this area only in isolation relying on internal structures (special areas) of the area around the problem, especially when linked to individuals with ties to organized crime, shifting the center liquidations in national .

In the field of ANIA, however, the group of Special Areas and operates continuously in contact with the judicial authorities and police forces but with totally inadequate means and goals that are still the intent of those companies and not the public interest.

Nothing, however. Is put in place by ISVAP that, as an institution of state control over companies, has no title and objectives in relation to the problem of fraud.

The result is that there is no real "brain" operating at the national government level that such a course of action common to the police and that unions necessarily with the Companies (and with the ANIA), with the insurance industry in its complex (Agents - Offices liquidations - private investigators specializing in the field - the offer) and that can be done promoter with the competent Ministries of legislative initiatives in the field of ministerial directives, agreements category, and serving as a consultant privileged sector of Authority .

Abroad, vice versa, the problem has already been faced and solved in this way for several years.

In the U.S., for example, in many EU countries there are government agencies that deal exclusively with this phenomenon at the organizational level, pulse legislative and coordination between the public investigative offices (Economic Department of the local Police within which operates a special Unit that deals with insurance fraud; specialized units of the FBI in cases of federal jurisdiction, and others), private investigative offices, investigative offices of individual insurance companies, other bodies mixed public / private partnerships.

The said organization allows you to check the problems of the sector in each State, to assess any changes in the criminal strategies and to take, or cause to be taken, the appropriate changes in the legislative or operational depending on the case.

This organic accommodation would also locate the databases fraud in a government agency and is not in a place of privacy as it is now for databases ANIA, resulting in more controls and safeguards for privacy, as well as greater opportunity to share data by Police Forces engaged in the industry.

In addition, the body thus constituted could fully represent Italy in the field of international fora as well as in organizations "non-profit" that, in the world, collect the "state of the art" in the fight against insurance fraud and that comparing yearly international meetings at which only Italy this year, for the first time, was represented by the State Police.

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