Fake Facebook Freedom Lottery messages

Here are some of the fake Facebook Freedom Lottery messages you may receive:

Have you heard. about the money $200,000 cash i got from the Face- book Freedom Lottery(FFL) with the Collaboration IBC imperia invest company. I wonder if you get your money yet because I saw your name on the Face-book Freedom Lottery(FFL) list and I ask, they told me they will bring money to you too.

wonder if you get your money yet because I saw your name on the Face-book Freedom Lottery(FFL) list and I ask, they told me they will bring money to you too…. Do you receive your own money yet ?? You need to contact the agent right now on marcbergmn73@gmail.com , he will get back to you asap cux he is 24hrs online and let you know what to do to get your money okay.

They may ask you to call them at telephone number 17577454464. Please do not.

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