Google phishing email message
the Google phishing email message
Please upgrade your account
To get the most out of Google, we recommend that you upgrade your account.Upgrading should only take a few minutes.
upgrade your current version of Google Products
If you don’t want to upgrade right now you can still continue, but some parts of it may not work and it may not be displayed properly.
The Google Accounts Team
Note: You are advised not to change your password at this time to prevent ambiguity that can lead to account suspension
© 2013 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
Please upgrade your account
To get the most out of Google, we recommend that you upgrade your account.Upgrading should only take a few minutes.
upgrade your current version of Google Products
If you don’t want to upgrade right now you can still continue, but some parts of it may not work and it may not be displayed properly.
The Google Accounts Team
Note: You are advised not to change your password at this time to prevent ambiguity that can lead to account suspension
© 2013 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043