Fake BankLine SPAM email From Bankline [secure.message@ bankline .com]

 Fake BankLine SPAM email From Bankline [secure.message@ bankline .com]

You have received a new secure message from BankLine
    From:     Bankline [secure.message@ bankline .com]
    Date:     13 October 2014 12:48
    Subject:     You have received a new secure message from BankLine
    You have received a secure message.
    Read your secure message by following the link ...
    You will be prompted to open (view) the file or save (download) it to your computer. For best results, save the file first, then open it...

Clicking the link downloads document_312_872_pdf.zip from the target site which in turn contains a malicious executable document_312_872_pdf.exe which has a VirusTotal detection rate of 3/54*... Also dropped are a couple of executables, egdil.exe (VT 2/54**, Malwr report) and twoko.exe (VT 6/55***, Malwr report).

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