Fake Nazareth House malware spam email claims a paying sheet is attached

Fake Nazareth House malware spam email claims a paying sheet is attached, implying it is because of a bank payment.

Attached malware .doc with macro downloads more malware.

Spoofs nazarethcare.com.

Subject: Bank Payments

 Good Afternoon,

 Paying in sheet attached


 Sandra Whitmore
 Care Home Administrator
 Nazareth House
 162 East End Road
 East Finchley

 Nazareth Care Charitable Trust- Registered Office – Larmenier Centre, 162 East End Road, London N2 ORU
 Registered Charity – England & Wales – 1113666, Scotland – SCO42374
 Registered Company registered in England & Wales – Company Number 05518564

 The contents of this message are for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) only. 
 It, and any files transmitted with it, may be legally privileged or prohibited from disclosure
 or unauthorised use.  ...blah blah blah

 Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard inbound and outbound e-mails, no guarantee
 can be given that attachments are virus-free or ...blah blah..

 Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, and do not
 necessarily represent those of the Sisters of Nazareth.

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