Harris and Simpson Scam

Harris and Simpson Scam

I couldn't find any information on this company and was stupid enough to fill out a credit score.com form. Susan Simpson was her name. "Thank you for applying for the opening "Membership Administrative Clerk" this position is currently listed in Queens, New York with a pay of $42,000. We have completed our initial review of the applications, and are happy to inform you that you have been accepted by our client for a further interview. This stage closes on Friday, March 15th at 9pm, so its very important you complete the online screening before this date, submissions after this date will not be accepted. Your interview will be scheduled for the following week. Please go to the following address to complete the interview booking: http://www.harrisandsimpson.com/interview.php?applicantid=a3BzaGFycGV3b3Jrc0Bhb2wuY29t Please be sure to set aside at least 10 minutes to complete the submission. You will not be able to restart the process, it can only be completed once."

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