Part-Time FS Agent Scam

Part-Time FS Agent Scam

From: Ms. Claire Garcia Date: March 19, 2014 at
8:05:54 PM EDT Subject: Wed. Mar.19, 2014,
9:05 PM - Oksana Henn "How are you I
represent the Company specializing in
Information Technology. We perform a variety
of functions that range from installing
applications to designing complex computer
networks and information databases. A few of
the duties that Information Technology
professionals perform may include data
management, database and software design, as
well as management and administration of
entire systems. Information technology is
starting to spread further than the conventional
personal computer and network technologies,
and more into integrations of other technologies
such as the use of cell phones, televisions,
automobiles, and more, which is increasing the
demand for such jobs. This letter confirms our
employment offer to you as a part time FS
—Guest pavel

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