Job scam: Ship Land LLC Package Shipping

Good day...Now we are actively hiring
candidates who will represent Ship Land LLC in various US regions. You
are not required to have any extra knowledge or to be experienced, and
this chance can endow additional income to you and your family as it
will not require more than few hours per day. If you are interested in
possessing of new career and wish to receive a higher salary, we would
be happy to take you on. At this time we have an open short hours
scheduled position of an International SC with Ship Land LLC.
Required qualifications:- 21+ y.o.;- USA citizen;- PC, 24/7 Internet access;...
Why I Think It's a Scam I went through the same thing, I received two
packages for which I have the documents for, I had some trouble with
the instructions, and when I was able to ship the packages back out, I
never heard from them again. The tab under money said I was to be
paid my base salary of $1100, with a bonus of a pay per shipping totaling
I face being homeless on the streets, that money was to help me get an
apartment. The massive red flag was when I asked if everything was
okay, and when would I be sending more packages, I was told next
week (that was last week) When I was locked out of my account, I
thought my ex had something to do with it, until I realized I couldn't
reach anyone by either number.
I have never been so humiliated in my life. I am just glad my current
boss doesn't know. I am going to be living out of my car for the next 2-3
months, until I save enough paychecks to get an apartment. I ended up
losing custody of my son because of this, its so damaging how heartless
people can be.

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